

In last parent-teacher interview Ray received a 2 for confidence, though he got 3 for most of others. The grading method is simple. 3 means good, 2 means needs improvement, 1 means bad. Probaly teachers never give 1 unless there is a real problem. So pretty much 3 means good, 2 means not so good.
Mom and dad figured that this might be related to Ray's personality. Ray doesn't talk much in public but like watching how others react first. But Ray is not afraid of showing off what he is good at, like dancing and singing in public, showing his drawing, even singing a story in his song impromptus.
Last night at dinner table, Ray suddenly announced:"Mom and dad, I can be anything I want to be." Wow, what a big word! We have no idea where he got this. Most likely from school. Do we still need to work on confidence?

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