叶公好龙 (Dragon fan Mr. Ye).
An ancient Chinese painter loved dragon so much that he drew
everything about a dragon. One night, a real dragon from sky came
to his house to visit him. He was so scared that he hid in his bed with
his head all covered.Then people just found that he was not a real
dragon fan but a fake.
An ancient Chinese painter loved dragon so much that he drew
everything about a dragon. One night, a real dragon from sky came
to his house to visit him. He was so scared that he hid in his bed with
his head all covered.Then people just found that he was not a real
dragon fan but a fake.
Ray loved pirate stories. Everything about pirates is interesting to him.
Their knives, their treasures, their eye patch, their hook hand. Even
their pants with shark tooth marks are Ray's favorite subjects.
Their knives, their treasures, their eye patch, their hook hand. Even
their pants with shark tooth marks are Ray's favorite subjects.
We had a 4D movie in Star fish theater of Sea world. It is a funny
amusing pirate show! Mom enjoyed the show pretty much.
Then we asked Ray how much he liked the show.
amusing pirate show! Mom enjoyed the show pretty much.
Then we asked Ray how much he liked the show.
Ray made his comments:" I don't like the show. It is pretty scary. The
hook, the bones, the bats, the bumblebee. They are all scary."
hook, the bones, the bats, the bumblebee. They are all scary."
"How about the treasures?" Dad asked.
"I like the treasures." Ray said.
OK, Ray probably is NOT a real pirate fan, but a treasure fan.