Ray is going to 'Rising Star Preschool' now, which is 20 minutes drive from home. The primary reason we chose it was it is the only school among a few 'good schools' preferred by mom and dad has a minimum age less than 2. Mom and dad didn't go wrong. There are many things we like a lot about this school. Good teacher/student ratio, excellent teaching staff, shaded playground, ... Most of all, Ray is comfortable there. He likes his teachers and his teachers like him. He has his best buddy Jordan around. Yesterday they even gave each other a big hug when they met each other in the morning. Let alone he brings home his daily art works everyday.
There are also some inconveniences. School time is from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. Even we added after school care program. It can only extend to 4:30pm, a little too early for dad to pick me up. Also it is located right by route 620, a crowded street with a lot of fast traffic and without isolation for two way traffics. Now we got Tony and my age qualifies me for more 'good schools'. It seems to make sense to transfer to a good neighborhood school.
Mom put Ray in the waiting list of 'Kids and kids', a chain school his friend Ryan is attending. It has great facilities and the time could be much longer, 6:30am to 6:30pm. Kids can be dropped any time. ( not necessary a good thing). Now we were notified it's our turn.
Mom and dad decided to have a second tour. They hesitated a little bit after they found out from tour guider teachers here 'prefer' having potty-train ready kid. Different philosophy from my old school. 3 teachers for 22 kids also put some concerns on their mind. Leaving something familiar for something unknown could always be scary, even for mom and dad.
OK. We have this whole weekend to make our decision.