Going to school is awesome as you can make friends and you can learn. If you asked my dad, what was aweful about going to school in his experience, he would tell you it's parent-teacher interview(PTI). He got a fairly good chance to have a follow-up spank each time. Ouch!
Here came my PTI. I did pretty well on all physical developments and social skills. But not too impressive on language and maths. Dad told me what saved me follow-up spank was that dad thinks that maths interpretation at my age is assiciated with language. So I was only considered as failing one instead of two. Besides, I can be forgiven for being sort of bilingual. Spanking is probably joking here. But mom and dad did have some serious discussion after my PTI. The resolution came out that they decided to speak to me in 90% English instead of previous 40% English at home.
Will that work? Even they think it sounds pretty dumb. They might be joking again.