Last time I came to SF was January 2007, thanks to dad's conference trip. Now I felt like coming back to see my old friend.

We stayed a condo in San Francisco city, right next to MOMA. The condo was rented by auntie for a month at a special deal. We just took a free ride. It is said regular rent is $3000 per month plus $250 for a tiny parking slot. That is one of the reasons that most of people live in this condo drive BMW 3 series, Merceds CLS/CLK, Porche, and unknown tiny fancy sports car, that are easy to park. I am not kidding. The imbalance of housing price and housing size really make we Texan scratch our heads.
Rental car cost twice much as other cities. People told us sometimes cars were rented out in summer. Forget about price and you should feel luck to get one.
Parking is prohibitive, but we were lucky to get one free. What a luck!
A whole food store is one block away, recommended by people living here. It becomes our grocery store as our mindset are san-fancied, a new word we had to create.
Then it was our start of exciting SF adventure.
Day one:
I will let Tony to tell exciting part this time. Please see his blog for coming stories.
Then we were back to Austin. So in a day, we experienced 72F at noon in SFO and 95F at 11:00PM in AUS. But we did appreciate more our spacious streets and housing. In a way feel like a little chicken breaking out of egg shell.