We met a few big boys in the pond. A boy just caught a fish. Dad caught this moment with a setting of ISO1600, 1/30' and F1.8. We wish the picture could be better, but it just couldn't be, as it's too dark. We need a full frame camera body with an F1.2 for this. That boy said that it was the first time for him to get a fish though he had been fishing for many times. It got to be us to have brought him good luck.

Oh, my, this Texas summer!
This summer was brutally hot and dry. We did get a few weather forcast with isolated shower of 20% chance of percipitation. But we always got the other 80% chance. Even Olson meadow turned yeallow with its newly installed sprinkler system, as city had to save water. We didn't get much chance for biking or hiking like this.
In last parent-teacher interview Ray received a 2 for confidence, though he got 3 for most of others. The grading method is simple. 3 means good, 2 means needs improvement, 1 means bad. Probaly teachers never give 1 unless there is a real problem. So pretty much 3 means good, 2 means not so good.
Mom and dad figured that this might be related to Ray's personality. Ray doesn't talk much in public but like watching how others react first. But Ray is not afraid of showing off what he is good at, like dancing and singing in public, showing his drawing, even singing a story in his song impromptus.
Last night at dinner table, Ray suddenly announced:"Mom and dad, I can be anything I want to be." Wow, what a big word! We have no idea where he got this. Most likely from school. Do we still need to work on confidence?
叶公好龙 (Dragon fan Mr. Ye).
叶公好龙 (Dragon fan Mr. Ye).
An ancient Chinese painter loved dragon so much that he drew
everything about a dragon. One night, a real dragon from sky came
to his house to visit him. He was so scared that he hid in his bed with
his head all covered.Then people just found that he was not a real
dragon fan but a fake.
An ancient Chinese painter loved dragon so much that he drew
everything about a dragon. One night, a real dragon from sky came
to his house to visit him. He was so scared that he hid in his bed with
his head all covered.Then people just found that he was not a real
dragon fan but a fake.
Ray loved pirate stories. Everything about pirates is interesting to him.
Their knives, their treasures, their eye patch, their hook hand. Even
their pants with shark tooth marks are Ray's favorite subjects.
Their knives, their treasures, their eye patch, their hook hand. Even
their pants with shark tooth marks are Ray's favorite subjects.
We had a 4D movie in Star fish theater of Sea world. It is a funny
amusing pirate show! Mom enjoyed the show pretty much.
Then we asked Ray how much he liked the show.
amusing pirate show! Mom enjoyed the show pretty much.
Then we asked Ray how much he liked the show.
Ray made his comments:" I don't like the show. It is pretty scary. The
hook, the bones, the bats, the bumblebee. They are all scary."
hook, the bones, the bats, the bumblebee. They are all scary."
"How about the treasures?" Dad asked.
"I like the treasures." Ray said.
OK, Ray probably is NOT a real pirate fan, but a treasure fan.
Ray was watching Wimbledon final with dad, only after dad told him winner was gonna take a cup and a lot of prize money. Shopping in HEB made him realize having money was important. Ray told mom that he was gonna work in office and make money when he grew up.
Dad stepped into kitchen for a drink during commercial time.
Then Ray rushed into Kitchen.
Ray said it clearly: "Dad, when I grew up. I will buy an iphone."
Surprised with that he knew that there was a thing called iphone, probably that he got it from TV commercial, dad still asked: "Why do you want an iphone?"
"It has lots of games." Ray said.
Apple's marketing had a sell to 3 years old. This is phenomena.
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