Not again.
Fearless Ray
Ray asked to take Atlantis in seaworld. Seeing Ray was so eager to take it, dad decided to be his company, though dad was a little scared in truth
. Our ride had a short delay as the ride ahead of us has some accident. A girl was so scared after the first part little 'warmup' that she and her dad had to get out in the middle of the ride. This accident made dad a little worried more. Finally, it was our turn. The first warmup was pretty scary. After that, dad was just wishing he was not in the boat. Ray acted norm and seemed nothing happened. And it came the real deal. Or my gosh, dad felt he was almost thrown out of the boat. And he tried hard to hold Ray in his instinct. You can see that in the zoomed in picture. Thanks goodness, it only lasted about 2 seconds. Then dad started celebrating we did it. We made it. It was over. It was cool. It was something. Then dad asked Ray how he felt about it. Ray said:"I like it. Can we do it again?"
Not again.
Not again.
What are we riding?
4 years check-up
A not so great photo
My new hair style
Ray's 1st year birthday poster
Ray is 4 years now. We feel it was just yesterday when he was one year old. So dig out some old memory and put it up here.
Autumn in Austin
4 year old
Ray had a 4 years banana muffin party at school and had a cup cake party at home. Ray got transformer, walking robot, volcano lab gifts. Now Ray is officially 4 years old.
Something to note down: an H1N1 case was confirmed in his class.
Ryan came to sleep over last night. Ray and Ryan are good play buddies now. Today it was Saturday. Dad took them to Olson Meadow park. Excited by great weather, dad ran back home to get soccer ball to start a little soccer training. But boys seemed not very interested. Dad really put a lot of effort into getting them involved.
After we got home, mom just told dad:"A mom told me something she eavesdropped in the park. Before you came back from getting soccer, Ray whispered to Ryan. He said: Don't play soccer. It is boring."
Oh, now dad got it.
Something to note down: an H1N1 case was confirmed in his class.
Ryan came to sleep over last night. Ray and Ryan are good play buddies now. Today it was Saturday. Dad took them to Olson Meadow park. Excited by great weather, dad ran back home to get soccer ball to start a little soccer training. But boys seemed not very interested. Dad really put a lot of effort into getting them involved.
After we got home, mom just told dad:"A mom told me something she eavesdropped in the park. Before you came back from getting soccer, Ray whispered to Ryan. He said: Don't play soccer. It is boring."
Oh, now dad got it.
Our little teacher
Ray was teaching Ray how to recognize things in cards, which used to be taught by mom to Ray.
"This is a cup. Say cup." Ray said.
"Cup." Tony followed.
"This is a caterpillar. Say caterpillar." Ray said.
"Caterpillar." Tony followed.
"Eh, ...." Ray picked a card which he didn't know what it was.
Instead, Ray said:"This card is too hard for Tony."
Then he skipped this card to the next.
Follow the water
That was how we started our hiking this Saterday. I rode my bike and explored brush creek bend side a little bit. A little accident about Tony shortened our hike. I still met a new friend Ryan, who showed me two head skeletons of deer he shot. And he gave one to me! How old is Ryan? 5 years. You believe it?
This is our Texas.
Frank analysis
Tony was playing in his high chair, while Ray was having his dinner. Ray was the last one still working at his dinner as usual. Dad moved broccoli plate a little closer to Ray to urge him eat faster.
Tony saw this and had a yell. Then Tony asked for broccoli. Certainly it was welcome. But while Tony was eating, and he was also yelling occasionally to Ray.
Ray started talking:"Tony doesn't want me to eat my dinner because he doesn't want me to grow big. He wants to eat more so he can grow big."
Kids do pretty down-to-the-earth analysis.
Also at dinner table, Ray talked something about his school day:"We had soccer class and everyone went to the class."
Dad pretended he didn't know it and asked:"Did you go?"
"I didn't go because you guys didn't pay it for me." Ray said with a frowned eyebrow.
Wow, Ray is fairly clear how things work now. And he also can exaggerate it a little bit with saying everyone went to the class except him. The fact is he is going to a dance class and most kids didn't enroll soccer class.
Ray was never interested in soccer though dad set up a nice soccer gate in back yard. Maybe it is different to play in a team. Well, maybe we should try it out.
One thing we need to mention is Ray made a huge progress in throwing and catching a football. Though he is far from as good as Jack next door (Jack is eight years old), dad can have fun with Ray now by throwing and receiving a ball back and forth. Right now we have to keep only six feet distance. Pretty sure the distance is gonna grow soon.
Our first rain flood experience
We got all missed water back in this fall. Today's rain even flooded Olson Meadow. It's quite an eye opener. A stonebridge nearby was completely under water so the road was closed. Weather forcast showed there's gonna be another rainy week coming.
What open house exactly means
Ray's school had an open house yesterday. This was the third time they did it. We attended the first time when the school just opened. It was just a tour of school, so we missed the second as we thought we did the tour already. It turned out it was more than just a tour the second time.
This open house was pretty much a show time. Every kid sat on their seat to show some projects. Ray's projects were 1).counting kindles, 2).bar maze creating, 3).two letters phonics. Mom and dad had a good time seeing what Ray had learned in school. Mrs. Betty told us Ray did well and even helped their Chinese teacher teach his class Chinese.
That is open house all about.
A fan of The wizard of OZ
While dad was flipping all ESPN channels to squeeze out every little bit report on Brett Favre's magic last second go ahead TD, he saw the Wizard of OZ in TNT. That was one of his favorite movie in high school. His exchanged English teacher from Washington played this movie for his class and it inspired a lot of imagination. Dad could't wait to get Ray there. Certainly Tony followed.
Ray loved it, though we really missed most of the beginning part. Dad promised to get a full version DVD for Ray and Tony. However, this movie opened a great source for dad's draining bedtime story lib. The Wizard of OZ was extended into many periods, which made persuading Ray going to bed so easy.
a number mystery
Quite a while ago, Ray's teacher Miss. Betty told us Ray impressed her with counting number up to 20, though Ray forgot one or two numbers. That was a pretty good math development. But Ray always forgot number 13. No problem from 1 to 12, then jump to 14, a little shaky after 14 but the only number he consistently missed was 13.
This really puzzled dad. What is wrong with 13? Dad didn't send Ray to Catholic school. Is it the pronunciation?
Dad printed down the numbers up to 100. Guess what? Ray could go up to 100. But he still needs help on 13. Dad googled around but didn't get any answer. What a mystery!
Gangs of Kettleman Lane
Move up
It has been for a while we didn't go to Olsen Meadow park, owing to this brutal hot summer. Ray starts thinking about real monkey bar now.
Where was baby?
Ray saw a lot of old pictures with only Ray, mom, and dad. "Where was baby?" Ray asked.
"Baby didn't exist back then. He was not born yet." Dad replied with a plain but straitforward answer.
A while back later. Ray came back and said:"When I was a baby, baby Tony went to baby island. When I grew up to be a big boy, baby came back from baby island." This question was still hanging on his mind. It might be too abstract to let a toddler accept the concept of ethereal existance. Ray had to figure out his own way to make sense of it.
English delicacy
Ray and Tony often fight for toys, books, and anything. A rule set by mom and dad is that you can not take things away from the person who got it first, as two boys have to share many things.
Ray certainly is not happy as the side with more power.
There was once Tony got something fun first. Unhappy Ray made a comment:"We just don't like each other."
Then he sneaked a glance at mom and dad nearby, then said:"But we still love each other."
Our story while dad was away
While dad was away to China, mom took care of both Ray and Tony. She did a terrific job. Not only was the house well maintained, but also she told dad a few fun stories.
Here is one of them.
Mom was blowing a floaty, which could lift Tony in pool. After a few tries, she had little success. It was hard. While she was trying to figure out how to do it, Ray urged for help. What could a toddler help? Mom kept trying without taking Ray seriously. It just didn't work. Meanwhile Ray was insisting helping. Mom certainly was a little irritated by Ray's push. "OK, I will let you do it and see what is gonna happen." Mom thought.
Ray happily took it over and started blowing the floaty. Like a miracle, the floaty started growing and growing. So did mom's eyes. Then it was done. Ray gave it back to mom and said:"Here you go, momy."
This story was not over yet.
Tony saw all this and he was excited to help too. He pulled the two corners of the floaty so hard that the floaty was broken. It turned back to flat like it started.
These are our two boys.
A week in San Francisco
People in New England emigrate to Florida in freezing winter. It makes sense for Texas folks to escape to California coast or New England in hot summer, even just for a week, which we did this year.
Last time I came to SF was January 2007, thanks to dad's conference trip. Now I felt like coming back to see my old friend.

We stayed a condo in San Francisco city, right next to MOMA. The condo was rented by auntie for a month at a special deal. We just took a free ride. It is said regular rent is $3000 per month plus $250 for a tiny parking slot. That is one of the reasons that most of people live in this condo drive BMW 3 series, Merceds CLS/CLK, Porche, and unknown tiny fancy sports car, that are easy to park. I am not kidding. The imbalance of housing price and housing size really make we Texan scratch our heads.
Rental car cost twice much as other cities. People told us sometimes cars were rented out in summer. Forget about price and you should feel luck to get one.
Parking is prohibitive, but we were lucky to get one free. What a luck!
A whole food store is one block away, recommended by people living here. It becomes our grocery store as our mindset are san-fancied, a new word we had to create.
Then it was our start of exciting SF adventure.
Day one:
I will let Tony to tell exciting part this time. Please see his blog for coming stories.
Then we were back to Austin. So in a day, we experienced 72F at noon in SFO and 95F at 11:00PM in AUS. But we did appreciate more our spacious streets and housing. In a way feel like a little chicken breaking out of egg shell.

Ray's Baby skill
Tony likes talking and whenever Ray talks, Tony always talks twice much back, though 90% of what he says is not understandable.
Ray knows how to deal with baby talking. Here it comes:
Tony:"aadyuo, jljhljladyfi, adkoqlk, oqakln, qimc, eojojljlagg, bla bla bla ....."
Ray kept his head down, working his stuff and replied:"OK."
Then Tony goes:" kqiuq, aipqhe, dfhloq, gqkjka, ejhkja, bla bla bla ...."
Ray:"Yes, you are right."
Then Tony was satisfied and kept quiet.
Ray knows how to deal with baby talking. Here it comes:
Tony:"aadyuo, jljhljladyfi, adkoqlk, oqakln, qimc, eojojljlagg, bla bla bla ....."
Ray kept his head down, working his stuff and replied:"OK."
Then Tony goes:" kqiuq, aipqhe, dfhloq, gqkjka, ejhkja, bla bla bla ...."
Ray:"Yes, you are right."
Then Tony was satisfied and kept quiet.
Mom is a genius
Mom picks Ray up from school at 2:30PM everyday. Then it is gonna be almost 4 hours she has to deal with two boys herself alone. It is a tough job as one of them is very needy. It is even tougher when it comes dinner cooking time. Cooking dinner and dealing with Tony and Ray at the same time sounds like a mission impossible.
We bought a book named 'How to cut' yesterday. This book taught kids how to make things with scissors. I was so into it and it became my favorite activity. Then it came to mom's cooking time. She came up with a creative idea to let me help her trim sweet bean clean with my scissors. I loved this job and did a wonderful job. You could bet on it as this job took me almost an hour to get it done. We all loved eating beans cleaned by me at dinner.
We bought a book named 'How to cut' yesterday. This book taught kids how to make things with scissors. I was so into it and it became my favorite activity. Then it came to mom's cooking time. She came up with a creative idea to let me help her trim sweet bean clean with my scissors. I loved this job and did a wonderful job. You could bet on it as this job took me almost an hour to get it done. We all loved eating beans cleaned by me at dinner.
Oh, my, this Texas summer!
This summer was brutally hot and dry. We did get a few weather forcast with isolated shower of 20% chance of percipitation. But we always got the other 80% chance. Even Olson meadow turned yeallow with its newly installed sprinkler system, as city had to save water. We didn't get much chance for biking or hiking like this.
We met a few big boys in the pond. A boy just caught a fish. Dad caught this moment with a setting of ISO1600, 1/30' and F1.8. We wish the picture could be better, but it just couldn't be, as it's too dark. We need a full frame camera body with an F1.2 for this. That boy said that it was the first time for him to get a fish though he had been fishing for many times. It got to be us to have brought him good luck.

In last parent-teacher interview Ray received a 2 for confidence, though he got 3 for most of others. The grading method is simple. 3 means good, 2 means needs improvement, 1 means bad. Probaly teachers never give 1 unless there is a real problem. So pretty much 3 means good, 2 means not so good.
Mom and dad figured that this might be related to Ray's personality. Ray doesn't talk much in public but like watching how others react first. But Ray is not afraid of showing off what he is good at, like dancing and singing in public, showing his drawing, even singing a story in his song impromptus.
Last night at dinner table, Ray suddenly announced:"Mom and dad, I can be anything I want to be." Wow, what a big word! We have no idea where he got this. Most likely from school. Do we still need to work on confidence?
叶公好龙 (Dragon fan Mr. Ye).
叶公好龙 (Dragon fan Mr. Ye).
An ancient Chinese painter loved dragon so much that he drew
everything about a dragon. One night, a real dragon from sky came
to his house to visit him. He was so scared that he hid in his bed with
his head all covered.Then people just found that he was not a real
dragon fan but a fake.
An ancient Chinese painter loved dragon so much that he drew
everything about a dragon. One night, a real dragon from sky came
to his house to visit him. He was so scared that he hid in his bed with
his head all covered.Then people just found that he was not a real
dragon fan but a fake.
Ray loved pirate stories. Everything about pirates is interesting to him.
Their knives, their treasures, their eye patch, their hook hand. Even
their pants with shark tooth marks are Ray's favorite subjects.
Their knives, their treasures, their eye patch, their hook hand. Even
their pants with shark tooth marks are Ray's favorite subjects.
We had a 4D movie in Star fish theater of Sea world. It is a funny
amusing pirate show! Mom enjoyed the show pretty much.
Then we asked Ray how much he liked the show.
amusing pirate show! Mom enjoyed the show pretty much.
Then we asked Ray how much he liked the show.
Ray made his comments:" I don't like the show. It is pretty scary. The
hook, the bones, the bats, the bumblebee. They are all scary."
hook, the bones, the bats, the bumblebee. They are all scary."
"How about the treasures?" Dad asked.
"I like the treasures." Ray said.
OK, Ray probably is NOT a real pirate fan, but a treasure fan.
Ray was watching Wimbledon final with dad, only after dad told him winner was gonna take a cup and a lot of prize money. Shopping in HEB made him realize having money was important. Ray told mom that he was gonna work in office and make money when he grew up.
Dad stepped into kitchen for a drink during commercial time.
Then Ray rushed into Kitchen.
Ray said it clearly: "Dad, when I grew up. I will buy an iphone."
Surprised with that he knew that there was a thing called iphone, probably that he got it from TV commercial, dad still asked: "Why do you want an iphone?"
"It has lots of games." Ray said.
Apple's marketing had a sell to 3 years old. This is phenomena.
Dad gave me a surprise, I had a return
Yesterday it was the first time I could float myself in the water without a floatie. This tripled dad's confidence that he could make me a real swimmer by the end of this summer. So dad bought me a magnetic drawing book today as a surprise present. Tony and I both loved it. I was so happy that dad bought this for ME.
After dinner, we rushed to pool again though the time was pretty tight. Dad wanted to solidfy the gain I got yesterday. He was a little worrisome that I forgot how to do it. It turned out that I made another step up today. I COULD SWIM NOW. When he released me in the water, I kept my body level with the water surface and kept kicking water hard with my legs. My hands were pushing the water to keep my boby balance. Then I was moving forward, pretty fast. This not only wowed mom and Tony, even dad, a guy who was hard to be wowed. When he freed me in the center of swimming pool, I could swim to the side. We did so many times as I became pretty confident now, once I realized I was up to it.
Dad said way to go to me. I said way to go back to him. What I really mean was the present. Keep doing that and you will get its worth.
After dinner, we rushed to pool again though the time was pretty tight. Dad wanted to solidfy the gain I got yesterday. He was a little worrisome that I forgot how to do it. It turned out that I made another step up today. I COULD SWIM NOW. When he released me in the water, I kept my body level with the water surface and kept kicking water hard with my legs. My hands were pushing the water to keep my boby balance. Then I was moving forward, pretty fast. This not only wowed mom and Tony, even dad, a guy who was hard to be wowed. When he freed me in the center of swimming pool, I could swim to the side. We did so many times as I became pretty confident now, once I realized I was up to it.
Dad said way to go to me. I said way to go back to him. What I really mean was the present. Keep doing that and you will get its worth.
I will tell daddy, mom was not careful
Tony's finger accident results in Ray's refusal to close any door when baby is around. He always asks mom and dad to do it. It is just the safest way to ensure he is not gonna make the same mistake again. This was proposed by dad originally but it turned out Ray really listened and strickly followed it.
Yesterday, when mom brought two kids to gym, Mom closed garage door uncarefully while baby 's finger was in. Thanks to the garage door thick cushion, no damage was caused, but babdy did cried a little bit.
On the way to the gym, Ray kept telling mom:" Mom, when we got home, I will tell daddy. Mom was not careful. Mom jammed baby's finger."
When they came home, Ray jumped out of car and rushed into the house to dad:"Daddy, mom was not careful. She jammed baby's finger." Then mom just stepped into house, with a flushed face.
Yesterday, when mom brought two kids to gym, Mom closed garage door uncarefully while baby 's finger was in. Thanks to the garage door thick cushion, no damage was caused, but babdy did cried a little bit.
On the way to the gym, Ray kept telling mom:" Mom, when we got home, I will tell daddy. Mom was not careful. Mom jammed baby's finger."
When they came home, Ray jumped out of car and rushed into the house to dad:"Daddy, mom was not careful. She jammed baby's finger." Then mom just stepped into house, with a flushed face.
Line leader pride
Ray rarely talks what he does daily in school. When mom and dad asked him what he did in school, the answer usually was either nothing or playing toys. There is no cam service in this school, so all we knew was from dropping and picking-up time peeks and parent teacher interview. We know he has been doing all right.
One day, Ray approached mom and told her that Mrs. Betty chose him as a line leader today. He seems pretty proud of this. We are not sure what a line leader really means, but it sounds like a good thing. At least Ray thought it was a big deal.
Well, mom and dad are pretty happy about it. Not for being a line leader, but for he is able to and eager to share with us what he is proud of in school.
So we mark this down. Certain year, certain month, certain day, Ray was a line leader.
One day, Ray approached mom and told her that Mrs. Betty chose him as a line leader today. He seems pretty proud of this. We are not sure what a line leader really means, but it sounds like a good thing. At least Ray thought it was a big deal.
Well, mom and dad are pretty happy about it. Not for being a line leader, but for he is able to and eager to share with us what he is proud of in school.
So we mark this down. Certain year, certain month, certain day, Ray was a line leader.
Compliment could also cause trouble
This weekend was a waste. Dad's bacterial infection came back after he finished up taking certain anti-biotic medicine for a while. So we stuck home to rest. The only thing we did was swimming.
Today, we were having dinner and we were all eating well. Tony started loving eating brocoli after he finished up four sweet-sour baby ribs. What was funny was he only ate brocoli flowers, not a bit of stem. He always gave stem back to mom. What was even funnier was dad and mom were impressed with this. They laughed and said Tony was so smart that he only took good stuff.
That was easy to be smart! I could be smarter. I instantly started giving my brocoli stem back to mom too. Dad and mom looked at each other and realized that they said things they shouldn't say. They'd better know how to compliment and when to compliment. Otherwise, you bring yourself troubles.
Today, we were having dinner and we were all eating well. Tony started loving eating brocoli after he finished up four sweet-sour baby ribs. What was funny was he only ate brocoli flowers, not a bit of stem. He always gave stem back to mom. What was even funnier was dad and mom were impressed with this. They laughed and said Tony was so smart that he only took good stuff.
That was easy to be smart! I could be smarter. I instantly started giving my brocoli stem back to mom too. Dad and mom looked at each other and realized that they said things they shouldn't say. They'd better know how to compliment and when to compliment. Otherwise, you bring yourself troubles.
Reunion Ranch family picnic
Here came dad company's annual family picnic again. This year we did it in Reunion Ranch. Food was still from Rudy's BBQ. I had a good time in the tree house and maze. While in team event, I let my team down a little bit. I refused to finish it for some reason nobody understood. But one thing I got to mention is nobody was younger than 5 except me. That definitely made me feel better. There were also water jumping bed. Cowboy fought with Indian water fight. Tony and I didn't sleep until 4:00PM. We were almost the first to get there and the last to leave the ranch so you figured how much fun we had. We both felt into sleep on the way home.
My family
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