
Tony's violin

Ray's violin moved up to 1/2 size. Tony's violin need to move to a real 1/8 size from his paper box. A big step.
"Tony, do you want to get a new violin?" mom asked.
"How much does it cost?" Tony asked.
"180 dollars," mom said.
"That is OK. Get it." Tony replied calmly with a little thinking.

This surprised mom, as Tony even didn't show much emotion on such an "expensive" thing. The other day mom asked Tony why he thought 160 dollars was OK for a violin.
Tony replied, "Because I can afford it."
He meant the money he saved in his little piggy bag. He is not kidding. He is having about $200 saved so far.


Tony's bed

Mom bought a new bed for Tony and sold Tony's old bed for 60 dollars.
"Where is my bed?" Tony found his bed was gone.
"I sold it", mom replied.
"How much did you sell it?", Tony asked.
"Can I have 30 dollars? It is my bed", Tony asked.
Before mom replied, Ray talked to Tony, "If mom give the money, can you give 15 to me?"
Mom cannot hold her laugh.
It is like an old Chinese saying, JIAN MIAN FEN YI BAN.


Something remarkable

Mom dropped Tony and Ray at the entrance of Butler music school. She needed to find parking so Ray and Tony walked to the classroom themselves. When mom came over after parking, Tony was playing violin while Ray was teaching on the hall way.
Actually Tony asked to play Ray's violin as Tony's 'violin' is still a violin shaped box. And Ray not only let Tony play, but also helped him to press the right string to make the sound better. Love Tony's curiosity and motivation and Ray's kindness. It is just such a sweet scene!