"Mom, why do you wear dad's pajama?" Ray asked.
"I can't find mine." Mom replied, while she was sipping her coffer and reading her magazine.
"Oh." Ray left.
After a little while, Ray came back from somewhere, with mom's pajama, "here you go, mom."
A biker pulling a trailer
A lion's heart
It is said that Lion never finishes his meal. Lions are generous and the leftover is for the vultures. Nowadays, Tony started hunting food around the house himself. The easiest one is Ray's food on his little table. Ray usually don't guard his food well as he often got distracted by many things. That is the chance for Tony. Certainly when Ray found it out, it didn't take much effort for him to get it back. Ray can quickly finish the food and go to play. What is cool about it is that he always threw one small piece, say, like a piece of honey ham, one the table. THAT IS LEFT FOR TONY!
A sweet talker with logic or just toddler true words?
Ray is good at saying sweet things to mom. If mom wears necklace or erring some day, Ray would say mom is so beautiful BECAUSE you wear such and such. If mom cook some dinner Ray likes about, Ray would give mom a high five and say you are a good cook.
One day, mom and dad went back home from parents' day out with a Macorroni Grill's layers of Lasagna leftover, which became Ray's lunch next day. Ray loved it so much and he knew mom didn't cook this. Here he said:" It is so delicious. Mom, you are a good buyer". Ray just always can have something to say.
One day, mom and dad went back home from parents' day out with a Macorroni Grill's layers of Lasagna leftover, which became Ray's lunch next day. Ray loved it so much and he knew mom didn't cook this. Here he said:" It is so delicious. Mom, you are a good buyer". Ray just always can have something to say.
This is how Hewlett and Packard started.
A way of toy shopping
A way of toy shopping
My swing set is up now!
It took dad one and half days (12 hours) to put them together. A missing part slowed the setup down a little bit. The customer feedback showed the setup times ranged from 8 hours to 40 hours.
Both Tony and I loved it. Dad felt that it is worth every minute he spent in this whole project. The nightmare of treated wood swing set became an interesting story dad likes to talk about.

Both Tony and I loved it. Dad felt that it is worth every minute he spent in this whole project. The nightmare of treated wood swing set became an interesting story dad likes to talk about.
A pink cross
A story of swing set, PARENTS MUST READ
I have been taken pictures here so many times. This park is like my backyard. Look, the house at the right upper corner is my neighbor Grant and Dean's house. We walk to park almost everyday. That is why dad didn't plann to set up a swing set for me in the backyard.
Things changed.
Dad had some success in backyard extreme makeover. More activities is going to happen in our real backyard. The designed scheme is going to be blogged soon. Now a swing set seems to be a good idea, which can work like a magnete to balnace the front yard endless attraction to me, and to Tony very soon. Dad even started to imagine that he sat on our new patio and enjoyed watching us jumping up and down like two little squarrels.
That is the start of our dad's swing set story.
A swing set could easily cost more than 1000 bucks. So a used one from craiglist was not a bad idea. Remember, I still got two super gigantic ones in my other 'backyard'. It happened tha a nice guy was giving away a nice wood swing set for free due to moving. Otherwise he had to chop them down and sent them to land fill. Dad found this out and thought it's pretty good deal. Then dad drove to Georgetown next day, a Saturday.
Pretty solid stuff, but it was too big. Actually way too big for dad's little honda civic hatchback. Impressed with the quality of the wood swing set, dad decided to take them apart. If he knew how much work it took in the beginning, he definitely wouldn't do it. In the end, with two trips and eight hours hard work under August Texas full sun (mightbe a little shade some times), every piece of the swing set sat in our backyard. Dad finished up a full gallon of water, two cans of coke and quite bit of fruits and survived. And also dad felt pretty guilty for being late to Mrs. Jill's super party (As it started, it couldn't be stopped. Everything in the backyard had to be cleared out at the end of the day). Here we had to mention the owner's friend John gave quite a bit critical help at disasemble it.
It was definitely not worth the time and hard work. But thinking about trees were saved and things were not wasted for land fill, dad still felt good about it.
With a little bit sunburn, dad decided to take a rest and install it at the next weekend instead of the next day.
Dad reminded himself a friend mentioning pre-treated wood was more durable for outdoor use. So he googled the web a little bit to find out what has been done with the swing set.
Then he was shocked.
Prior to 2003, almost all outdoor wood used CCA (Chromate Copper Arsenic, a kind of pestcide) to pretreat for preventing termite, fungi, etc. Arsenic in CCA is so poisonous that it was banned for residential usage after 2003. Kid's swing set, definitely NO CCA.
The swing set dad got was made in 2003. Though dad couldn't find if the wood was treated with CCA or not, most likely it was. Or we had to assume it was.
It is pretty scary as wood structure with Arsenic (before 2003) is EVERYWHERE. WE DIDN"T KNOW IT UNTIL NOW.
NEVER EVER burn treated wood. It will cause serious health problem. WE DIDN"T KNOW IT UNTIL NOW.
Be cautious while sanding or sawing treated wood. Wood dust can cause serious health problem. WE DIDN"T KNOW IT UNTIL NOW.
After contacting treated wood, wash hand first. WE DIDN"T KNOW IT UNTIL NOW.
Stain can help confine chemicals inside wood and reduce leeching. But as for structures for kids, especially yound kids, who occasionally put their fingers and hands into their mouth, can we trust this reduced leech?
To get a better night's sleep, don't have treated wood structure for kids.
Is dad over cautious? He could be. Please forgive him as this is a wild world. Three deer infant powder milk in China killed a few babies and sickened thousands. An English scientist claimed heavy usage of insectcide in Spring is directly responsible for spring babies statistically were not as well develped as fall babies. Arsenic in Kids swing set? If all pieces come together, you would get rid of the swing set. Maybe just for the peace of mind.
So good that my other 'backyard' has an all metal playscape.
And dad definitely gonna get cedar swing set (untreated) for us.
Things changed.
Dad had some success in backyard extreme makeover. More activities is going to happen in our real backyard. The designed scheme is going to be blogged soon. Now a swing set seems to be a good idea, which can work like a magnete to balnace the front yard endless attraction to me, and to Tony very soon. Dad even started to imagine that he sat on our new patio and enjoyed watching us jumping up and down like two little squarrels.
That is the start of our dad's swing set story.
A swing set could easily cost more than 1000 bucks. So a used one from craiglist was not a bad idea. Remember, I still got two super gigantic ones in my other 'backyard'. It happened tha a nice guy was giving away a nice wood swing set for free due to moving. Otherwise he had to chop them down and sent them to land fill. Dad found this out and thought it's pretty good deal. Then dad drove to Georgetown next day, a Saturday.
Pretty solid stuff, but it was too big. Actually way too big for dad's little honda civic hatchback. Impressed with the quality of the wood swing set, dad decided to take them apart. If he knew how much work it took in the beginning, he definitely wouldn't do it. In the end, with two trips and eight hours hard work under August Texas full sun (mightbe a little shade some times), every piece of the swing set sat in our backyard. Dad finished up a full gallon of water, two cans of coke and quite bit of fruits and survived. And also dad felt pretty guilty for being late to Mrs. Jill's super party (As it started, it couldn't be stopped. Everything in the backyard had to be cleared out at the end of the day). Here we had to mention the owner's friend John gave quite a bit critical help at disasemble it.
It was definitely not worth the time and hard work. But thinking about trees were saved and things were not wasted for land fill, dad still felt good about it.
With a little bit sunburn, dad decided to take a rest and install it at the next weekend instead of the next day.
Dad reminded himself a friend mentioning pre-treated wood was more durable for outdoor use. So he googled the web a little bit to find out what has been done with the swing set.
Then he was shocked.
Prior to 2003, almost all outdoor wood used CCA (Chromate Copper Arsenic, a kind of pestcide) to pretreat for preventing termite, fungi, etc. Arsenic in CCA is so poisonous that it was banned for residential usage after 2003. Kid's swing set, definitely NO CCA.
The swing set dad got was made in 2003. Though dad couldn't find if the wood was treated with CCA or not, most likely it was. Or we had to assume it was.
It is pretty scary as wood structure with Arsenic (before 2003) is EVERYWHERE. WE DIDN"T KNOW IT UNTIL NOW.
NEVER EVER burn treated wood. It will cause serious health problem. WE DIDN"T KNOW IT UNTIL NOW.
Be cautious while sanding or sawing treated wood. Wood dust can cause serious health problem. WE DIDN"T KNOW IT UNTIL NOW.
After contacting treated wood, wash hand first. WE DIDN"T KNOW IT UNTIL NOW.
Stain can help confine chemicals inside wood and reduce leeching. But as for structures for kids, especially yound kids, who occasionally put their fingers and hands into their mouth, can we trust this reduced leech?
To get a better night's sleep, don't have treated wood structure for kids.
Is dad over cautious? He could be. Please forgive him as this is a wild world. Three deer infant powder milk in China killed a few babies and sickened thousands. An English scientist claimed heavy usage of insectcide in Spring is directly responsible for spring babies statistically were not as well develped as fall babies. Arsenic in Kids swing set? If all pieces come together, you would get rid of the swing set. Maybe just for the peace of mind.
So good that my other 'backyard' has an all metal playscape.
And dad definitely gonna get cedar swing set (untreated) for us.
TV war just started
Ray is a cartoon fan but mom like show 'American got talent'. Mom let Ray finished his Bob the builder (actually mom used remote control fast jump DVD quite a bit, shu ... what a cheater!). Then mom announced that it was her turn. TV was turned to 'American got talent'. Ray certainly was not happy. After a few tries to show his protest without a success, he jumped down sofa and talked to mom with frown eyebrows:"I will take it".
"What?" Mom didn't understand what Ray was talking about.
"Where is it?" Ray asked with a tighter frown eyebrow.
"What are you talking about?" Mom seemed more confused.
"Remote, I will take it." said Ray.
"What?" Mom didn't understand what Ray was talking about.
"Where is it?" Ray asked with a tighter frown eyebrow.
"What are you talking about?" Mom seemed more confused.
"Remote, I will take it." said Ray.
The end of my 350 class
Today it is my last day in room 350. Next Monday I will be in room 450 with new teachers. I had a lot of good time in 350. I almost told dad I had a good day everytime except yesterday, because I bit my classmate. Miss Lucy also told dad I had a fist fight with another classmate for a toy. Two incidents both happened in one day and both happened the first time. It shocked dad and mom as I was always considered as a nice, soft, and mild-tempered boy by my teachers. It is not the best way to end a school year.
Schlitterbahn water park
It is big and it is fun. Thanks to dad's company. I held my nap as late as 5:00pm. It must be a record.
Ray's words
One day it was time for dinner. Mom was still into Olympic diving competition. Ray said: "It is time for dinner, turn off the TV".
Dad talked to mom that he need a little more time for building his patio. Ray made some comments:"Don't work too much".
Mom has some spicy food and grimaced a little bit. Ray hurried to pass mom his water. Mom said:"Can I have all of them?" Ray replied:"Sure, I will get more for 'you".
Dad talked to mom that he need a little more time for building his patio. Ray made some comments:"Don't work too much".
Mom has some spicy food and grimaced a little bit. Ray hurried to pass mom his water. Mom said:"Can I have all of them?" Ray replied:"Sure, I will get more for 'you".
Something made parents laugh
Ray has been so talkative these days. Not only at home, but also in school. Here are some samples from his mouth.
One day, Ray liked his dinner so much that he said to Mom: "It is delicious. Mom, you are a good cook".
Arron, Ray and dad were playing wrestling game. Two boys againt big daddy. Ray tried so hard pushing back and force, draging arms and legs. None of them worked well. He stepped back a little, then came right back again to dad's face and talked to himself: "I will take your glasses."
When Ray was confined in wrestling games, the wayout was to say "surrender", a rule dad set. When dad loosed the game a little bit and let Ray have some fun of being a winner. Here is how he took dad's surrender: " You are not surrender. You have not been nice." I guess Ray equaled SURRENDER to Let Me Go. Surrender might be too abstract for two year old!
One day, Ray liked his dinner so much that he said to Mom: "It is delicious. Mom, you are a good cook".
Arron, Ray and dad were playing wrestling game. Two boys againt big daddy. Ray tried so hard pushing back and force, draging arms and legs. None of them worked well. He stepped back a little, then came right back again to dad's face and talked to himself: "I will take your glasses."
When Ray was confined in wrestling games, the wayout was to say "surrender", a rule dad set. When dad loosed the game a little bit and let Ray have some fun of being a winner. Here is how he took dad's surrender: " You are not surrender. You have not been nice." I guess Ray equaled SURRENDER to Let Me Go. Surrender might be too abstract for two year old!
God bless China (天佑中华)
Dad's hometown was hit by an fierce earthquake. Thousands of people died or are missing. Our family was lucky. No one was injured. My cousin YueYue's family live in Dujiangyan, a city suffered serious damages. Her auntie was seriously injured but luckily climbed out of the debris of a collapsed building. Telecommunication with Dujiangyan is still not up. Dad's uncle drove there and found out all these. People lost their homes and had no place to live. Medicine were running short.
Government reacted quick and people were well united. Hope more people can be rescued and suffer less. God bless my China.
Dujianyan YuLei Park, taken by dad's uncle.
Government reacted quick and people were well united. Hope more people can be rescued and suffer less. God bless my China.
Dujianyan YuLei Park, taken by dad's uncle.

Spring funs
My blog has nothing new almost for a month. We did a lot but wrote a little. Now it is the time to write them up. First of first, dad has been busy. As a circuit designer with device background, his professional habit of being addictive of digging into the fundamental cost him a lot of time, though he felt he gained a lot. Hope someday the gain can be presented in our bank account.
However, we still got a lot of things done in this spring as dad finally gave up the idea of doing 'homework' as he realized Tony and I are too much homework to him. We went to Marble Fall strawberry farm to pick strawberries. Dad and I tried my best but only got a few dozens of OK ones. It might not be a good idea to get there on Saturday afternoon anyway. Though I ate up them all in the farm without paying a cent, we showed our support by buying their farm-made honey and jelly, which is twice more expensive than grocery stores. I fed goats in the farm and took a tractor ride. Also we did a picnic.
A week after, Georgetown community Montessori school had a festival. On the waiting list, I had to show my support with having four ice cream cones. The invited country musicians were really good. Four ice cream cones probably make me feel in that way.
Next week, I had a tour in San Antonio. Boat tour in River walk was fun. Under mom's insist with a belief that this is essentially a Mexico town with authentic Mexico food, we threw a pretty good amount of dollars only to Mexico food restaurants in the famous river walk, although Mexico style food was never our favorite in Austin. I like tortoni chips and beef. Mom was so impressed with their beef and claimed she is a Mexico food fan now for ever. (BUT after we came back to Austin, we have not had any Mexico food so far.) Dad had his first time experience with priceline.com. We ends up with paying half price to Marriott Rivercenter. Couldn't be happier about that. Next day, the grand breakfast in Oro restaurant right next to Alamo set a great mood for my day. I had a tour in Alamo so much like an adult that dad almost tried to explain to me the story of Alamo. Zoo certainly couldn't be missed. What a weekend.
The following week, there happened Austin Chinese Dragon boat festival in town lake.
This weekend, round rock express baseball family picnic hosted by dad's company...
I almost forgot to mention my new semester Saturday morning music together class has already started.
Dad's fantasy weekend is a cup of coffee with a leisure book in the morning, a bottle of game beer with a group of friends in the afternoon, and an out-family-dinner with live music in the evening. Isn't it too self-centered? It is OK to have fantasy.
It seems that we wrote too much this time. Kind like someone fixed one meal for a whole day. It reminds me our lovely neighbor Ms. Lye Bell in Providence, a cheerful writer and teacher. She mails out her 'blog' to her friends every year in Chrismas to tell out what happened in this whole year. That is really like a heck of meal for a whole Chrismas season.
However, we still got a lot of things done in this spring as dad finally gave up the idea of doing 'homework' as he realized Tony and I are too much homework to him. We went to Marble Fall strawberry farm to pick strawberries. Dad and I tried my best but only got a few dozens of OK ones. It might not be a good idea to get there on Saturday afternoon anyway. Though I ate up them all in the farm without paying a cent, we showed our support by buying their farm-made honey and jelly, which is twice more expensive than grocery stores. I fed goats in the farm and took a tractor ride. Also we did a picnic.
A week after, Georgetown community Montessori school had a festival. On the waiting list, I had to show my support with having four ice cream cones. The invited country musicians were really good. Four ice cream cones probably make me feel in that way.
Next week, I had a tour in San Antonio. Boat tour in River walk was fun. Under mom's insist with a belief that this is essentially a Mexico town with authentic Mexico food, we threw a pretty good amount of dollars only to Mexico food restaurants in the famous river walk, although Mexico style food was never our favorite in Austin. I like tortoni chips and beef. Mom was so impressed with their beef and claimed she is a Mexico food fan now for ever. (BUT after we came back to Austin, we have not had any Mexico food so far.) Dad had his first time experience with priceline.com. We ends up with paying half price to Marriott Rivercenter. Couldn't be happier about that. Next day, the grand breakfast in Oro restaurant right next to Alamo set a great mood for my day. I had a tour in Alamo so much like an adult that dad almost tried to explain to me the story of Alamo. Zoo certainly couldn't be missed. What a weekend.
The following week, there happened Austin Chinese Dragon boat festival in town lake.
This weekend, round rock express baseball family picnic hosted by dad's company...
I almost forgot to mention my new semester Saturday morning music together class has already started.
Dad's fantasy weekend is a cup of coffee with a leisure book in the morning, a bottle of game beer with a group of friends in the afternoon, and an out-family-dinner with live music in the evening. Isn't it too self-centered? It is OK to have fantasy.
It seems that we wrote too much this time. Kind like someone fixed one meal for a whole day. It reminds me our lovely neighbor Ms. Lye Bell in Providence, a cheerful writer and teacher. She mails out her 'blog' to her friends every year in Chrismas to tell out what happened in this whole year. That is really like a heck of meal for a whole Chrismas season.
It has been a month of being with Kids&Kids preschool
In the first week, Ray told dad a few times "This is not my school". New school serves lunch so it really saved mom and dad a lot of efforts of preparing Ray's lunch. It ends up with that the first thing Ray told mom when mom picked him up after school was " I am hungry. I want to eat". It might take a while for him to get used to school food. Overall, new school is close and makes mom/dad's life much easier.
Ray is 37 pounds now. Once he showed dad he could count number almost up to twenty, dad's jaw almost dropped to ground. He might learn that in school. He sings ABC song fairly well and is a big fan of video game. Ray is not satisfied with 20 minutes restriction dad sets. There was one night, dad stopped Ray playing video ABC matching. He just stood there. Mad. Then suddenly he said, firm, loud and clear: " It is not fair". It dropped dad's jaw right to ground.
Ray is 37 pounds now. Once he showed dad he could count number almost up to twenty, dad's jaw almost dropped to ground. He might learn that in school. He sings ABC song fairly well and is a big fan of video game. Ray is not satisfied with 20 minutes restriction dad sets. There was one night, dad stopped Ray playing video ABC matching. He just stood there. Mad. Then suddenly he said, firm, loud and clear: " It is not fair". It dropped dad's jaw right to ground.
Bo Yang207 Kettleman Ln, N.Austin, TX 78717Email: boy@qualcomm.com(h)512-310-7625; (o)512-623-3802; (c)512-699-0492
Dear Madam/Sir: My name is Bo Yang. I was born in Chengdu and grew up there. Now I am living in Austin, Texas, U.S.. This letter is to assist my mother's application of a U.S. nonimmigrant visa (B2 travel for pleasure). In Autumn 2005, my parents' first U.S. visa application was turned down due to my infrequent trips back to China. The situation changed as I had a trip in Fall, 2005. Thus, in December 2006, in their second application, my parent were issued U.S. visa. Unfortunately, the trip was cancelled, as it was found out that my father had lung cancer. My father passed away in this January. It is a great pity that he has never been to U.S., a country he always wished to visit. I'd like to invite my mother to come to U.S. to visit my family. I hope a pleasant trip can help her relieve her sadness. I will be responsible for her trip expense, though my mother is financially capable herself. Form I-134 is attached and notarized. My employment letter and annual income proof are also attached as a courtesy.Yours sincerely,Bo YangMarch, 6th, 2008
Dear Madam/Sir: My name is Bo Yang. I was born in Chengdu and grew up there. Now I am living in Austin, Texas, U.S.. This letter is to assist my mother's application of a U.S. nonimmigrant visa (B2 travel for pleasure). In Autumn 2005, my parents' first U.S. visa application was turned down due to my infrequent trips back to China. The situation changed as I had a trip in Fall, 2005. Thus, in December 2006, in their second application, my parent were issued U.S. visa. Unfortunately, the trip was cancelled, as it was found out that my father had lung cancer. My father passed away in this January. It is a great pity that he has never been to U.S., a country he always wished to visit. I'd like to invite my mother to come to U.S. to visit my family. I hope a pleasant trip can help her relieve her sadness. I will be responsible for her trip expense, though my mother is financially capable herself. Form I-134 is attached and notarized. My employment letter and annual income proof are also attached as a courtesy.Yours sincerely,Bo YangMarch, 6th, 2008
I am going to say 'Good-bye' to my 'Rising star'
It turned out to be a tougher decision than mom and dad could ever imagine. After mom told my school that I am going to be withdrawn for another full-time day-care, my spot was replaced right away by some luck guy on the long waiting list. However, the sentiments my teachers showed for the loss of 'Ray' made mom so sad. And it gave a complete presentation of her indecisiveness, as she even asked dad if we could change our mind.
Ray is loved in 'Rising star'. Everybody loves Raymond. Hopefully Ray will be loved everywhere and everywhere loves Raymond.
Ray is loved in 'Rising star'. Everybody loves Raymond. Hopefully Ray will be loved everywhere and everywhere loves Raymond.
A tough decision for mom and dad to make
Ray is going to 'Rising Star Preschool' now, which is 20 minutes drive from home. The primary reason we chose it was it is the only school among a few 'good schools' preferred by mom and dad has a minimum age less than 2. Mom and dad didn't go wrong. There are many things we like a lot about this school. Good teacher/student ratio, excellent teaching staff, shaded playground, ... Most of all, Ray is comfortable there. He likes his teachers and his teachers like him. He has his best buddy Jordan around. Yesterday they even gave each other a big hug when they met each other in the morning. Let alone he brings home his daily art works everyday.
There are also some inconveniences. School time is from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. Even we added after school care program. It can only extend to 4:30pm, a little too early for dad to pick me up. Also it is located right by route 620, a crowded street with a lot of fast traffic and without isolation for two way traffics. Now we got Tony and my age qualifies me for more 'good schools'. It seems to make sense to transfer to a good neighborhood school.
Mom put Ray in the waiting list of 'Kids and kids', a chain school his friend Ryan is attending. It has great facilities and the time could be much longer, 6:30am to 6:30pm. Kids can be dropped any time. ( not necessary a good thing). Now we were notified it's our turn.
Mom and dad decided to have a second tour. They hesitated a little bit after they found out from tour guider teachers here 'prefer' having potty-train ready kid. Different philosophy from my old school. 3 teachers for 22 kids also put some concerns on their mind. Leaving something familiar for something unknown could always be scary, even for mom and dad.
OK. We have this whole weekend to make our decision.
There are also some inconveniences. School time is from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. Even we added after school care program. It can only extend to 4:30pm, a little too early for dad to pick me up. Also it is located right by route 620, a crowded street with a lot of fast traffic and without isolation for two way traffics. Now we got Tony and my age qualifies me for more 'good schools'. It seems to make sense to transfer to a good neighborhood school.
Mom put Ray in the waiting list of 'Kids and kids', a chain school his friend Ryan is attending. It has great facilities and the time could be much longer, 6:30am to 6:30pm. Kids can be dropped any time. ( not necessary a good thing). Now we were notified it's our turn.
Mom and dad decided to have a second tour. They hesitated a little bit after they found out from tour guider teachers here 'prefer' having potty-train ready kid. Different philosophy from my old school. 3 teachers for 22 kids also put some concerns on their mind. Leaving something familiar for something unknown could always be scary, even for mom and dad.
OK. We have this whole weekend to make our decision.
Happy Chinese new year!
The beginning of a tale of two brothers...
I have great news to announce. Please welcome my little brother, Anthony H. Yang, who was born on Dec. 11th, 2007. Our birth weights and heights are identical. Tony got mom's cute chin and dad's big nose. Otherwise, we look like twins. Tony was born in Chinese 'Golden Pig' year. Does his ears remind you something? Ha ha ...
I love Tony. But I will love him more if I can take back the crib I abandoned before, plus those toys in the crib.
I love Tony. But I will love him more if I can take back the crib I abandoned before, plus those toys in the crib.
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