
Austin mountain bonnell view

The fall in Austin comes late. When New England usually has its second or third snow. Austin's fall just starts. Some decidous trees remind me New England occasionally. The dominance of mountain cedar tells this is Austin.

Austin has a few man-made dams, for creating beautiful lakes, like lake travis, town lake. Mountain bonnell is a site-seeing park to overview the town lake. Dad promises to take me to kayaking next summer. Then I will show some pictures in the townlake water.


A little summary

After my 1st birthday party, my walk developed very well. Now I am walking around indoor and outdoor all on my own.
Got flu shot, and didn't cry. Em, maybe a little cry. 28 pounds now. No height was measured but certainly I can tell I am not as chubby as before.
I started to have more interaction with mom and dad. My favorite way to show my disagree is to spit out, which dad and mom is trying to fix me with no success.
I started to feed back mom or dad (whoever comes convinient) food I dislike. As for my favorite food (duck, beef, grape, and bread from countyline), don't even think about it.

A trip to Houston

I made a trip to Houston for Alice&Eric's wedding. Aaron was choosen as ringbell. What an honor! I got a chance to visit Houston Zoo. Finally I met Tiger and Monkey. Real ones! Giant fish, Parrot, Girraffe... My jaw almost fell to ground. What a great eye-opener! As for mom, she was impressed by cooked duck wings in Chinatown. Looks like she was more eager to go back to Houston than me.
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Stuff too cool for a baby

It is nice to pass one year mark. I was upgraded as a toddler rather than a baby. So, I can have face painting now. That is how people treat you when you are growing up.

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Superman likes candy.

I played treat or trick with Aaron and we did a pretty good job.

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I had my 1st birthday party.

This was a big show. I had my special birthday boy ride in MY GYM. But certainly it was not enough for me so you had to excuse me that I cried and rolling all over on the ground when my ride stopped. And certainly people all forgot this when we started cutting cake. But camera remembered everthing single detail.
In Chinese tradition, I picked my future career at my 1st birthday: Scholar! Posted by Picasa


Can't believe my blog has been quiet for so long

Since my birthday, no new post has showed up in my blog. Nobody was lazy. Dad was just too busy so everybody's schedule is kind of crazy. Now his work got a milestone so we all can take a break. Even though it is just a short break. I have a lot of things to show. It will come very soon.