
My swing knows time flies!

Today I am eight month old.
The left is present me, and the right one is one month old me, whom I call mini-me.
Mom and dad used to think my legs were chubby. Now mini-me's legs looks like two chop sticks, compared to my legs. Posted by Picasa


Play with my buddies

WE got buddies,
WE share toys,
WE swim in floaties,
And we scratch faces.

Another golden memory ( 5 month old )

I love water!

I can claim I am the best 7 and half month old swimmer in town.
Right now I have three swimming styles: Frog with dad's support, free style in floatie, and chasing ball doggie style in floatie.
Spetacular performance!


Home raiders! And there are TWO!!!

What you gonna do?
What you gonna do?
Big boys, big boys, come to you.

Don't worry. They are Kevin and Patrick. My twin friends and older brothers.
If someone is not nice to me, he'd better be careful. I got buddies!