
I will tell daddy, mom was not careful

Tony's finger accident results in Ray's refusal to close any door when baby is around. He always asks mom and dad to do it. It is just the safest way to ensure he is not gonna make the same mistake again. This was proposed by dad originally but it turned out Ray really listened and strickly followed it.
Yesterday, when mom brought two kids to gym, Mom closed garage door uncarefully while baby 's finger was in. Thanks to the garage door thick cushion, no damage was caused, but babdy did cried a little bit.
On the way to the gym, Ray kept telling mom:" Mom, when we got home, I will tell daddy. Mom was not careful. Mom jammed baby's finger."
When they came home, Ray jumped out of car and rushed into the house to dad:"Daddy, mom was not careful. She jammed baby's finger." Then mom just stepped into house, with a flushed face.

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