
Barton creek trail hiking

Mom was the photographer.

Barton spring creek trail

It was spring so mom decided to have a hiking for whole family. Dad convinced mom to take someplace close. So we ended up with someplace really close. It was right next to dad's office. Barton spring creek trail. Tony and Ray pretty much finished hiking themselves from 360 car access to Gus Frue car access. Tony needed a little help. We saw a bunch of people doing cliff climbing along the way. And there was no water but a dried up creekbed. Then it came dad's turn to get car for everyone at Gus Frue car access. Dad's calculation was it would take less than half hour to get it as it was only 3 miles to get back to the car from street. Well, big mistake! Huge! First of all, it was hill, not track field. Secondly, it was not Bo at twenty something. When dad was telling kids story about carving the boat for sword (刻舟求剑), even dad didn't believe the story was real. But now he was just making the same mistake. Tsk, tsk! OK, it was a pretty good way for weight loss. He lost three pounds for this run!
Well, does Ray look like a serious hiker!
