
I can play

To most players, shooting basketball is easier than making a dunk. Not to me. I make every single basket with a slam dunk. Just like this. Grandpa and Grandma were quite impressed from QQ video. They are going to visit us soon. Before that, I am going to China to meet them. Dad promised that I will have a lot of good food there in Chengdu, which probably is the most famous cousine city in China. I have no idea what he is talking about. But look at mom, she starts drooling.

Our new neighbor moved away

Probably the mom felt we visited them too much. She was a little concerned with her baby's safty. They moved away. We are so sad that we couldn't watch them grow up. Now there is just an empty nestle sitting there.
It is still a mystery to us how they made the move. Did they get some help like that dad hired somebody to move our furnitures? Babies could be very heavy.