
The power of candy

This is not a picture as peaceful as it looks like. It was taken at the outside of a candy store in Fredericksburg. The time was after Ray and Tony had already had a visit to an icecream store and also right after dinner. You can read out from two little ones' body language.
Ray certainly is a master of candy. Not only he knows more candy names than dad, but also he has various ways to get candy, like in restaurant cashier desk, HEB etc.. He ofter saved a little bit for Tony. And gradually he established his credit of gaining candy in Tony's little mind.
So here comes a familiar scenario happening at home.
Tony and Ray are fighting for something, whatever it is.
Tony started whining, yelling and crying for it.
Then Ray gracefully released it. Just said: "OK. No candy any more."
Tony thought a little bit. And put the something back into Ray's hands. "Take it, take it." Tony repeated it with a great worry.
"No." Ray refused and raised his head way up high.
Then Tony started crying again. "Take it. Ray, please."
That is the power of candy.
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