
Fantastic ipod touch

Believe or not. This product is named unanimously in our family as the best product we bought in the last few years. The ecosystem created by Apple simply made this product choice a no-brainer. Ipad is also on our list but we prefer waiting for an improved second version, as there are a few improvements really really needed.
Here is what we do now with ipod touch.

Tony's list
1). Dora Lite
2). Shapes
3). Puzzles
4). Memory Pro
5). Farm sound and I hear Ewe
Ray's list
1). TaptapNinja
2). Ice hockey (it definitely works better on ipad)
3). Shaun #1
4). Shrek Kart
5). TicTacFree
6). Spelling
Mom's list
1). Web surfing
2). Chinese ancient poems
3). Labyrinth
Dad's list:
1).Ebooks (a tons of them) for dad and for Ray and Tony
2).quick mail and calendar checking (Fast than going to PC)
3).QQ with grandma (no video yet as there is no cam) but it is not bad to just do audio chat
4).free VOIP phone calls
6).Web surfing while laying on the bed (the first pocket mobile device dad would like to surf web with)
7).Uncountable apps for all aspects of life.

The list is growing. Dad even has a little invention of ipod touch accessory. We are gonna show it later.

This product is beyond being cool. It is just practical and economical! Fantastic design. Hat off to Apple for this fantastic product.

BTW, this is the first practical COMPUTER our family use other than PC. Watch out. Microsoft and Intel.

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An impromptu song

lyrics by Ray Yang

There is a snowman in the snow
He wants to eat his nose
He is funny
He likes to eat his nose

He likes to drink something
His breakfast is bagel and drink
That is his breakfast when he wakes up
His mom always cooks that

He always go to cold places
He sometimes go to hot places
Then he melt a little bit
He fixes himself in the snow


Rolling over on Kettleman meadow

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Kung-Fu kid

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A spring new addition - Our yard bench

Two mountain cedar logs moved with our wagon cart from our neighborhood, one old pine wood at home and a $4 new pine wood from homedepot composed our new bench in our backyard. The bench location has shade most of a day. A perfect spot in our yard to watch Ray and Tony playing.
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