
Austin mountain bonnell view

The fall in Austin comes late. When New England usually has its second or third snow. Austin's fall just starts. Some decidous trees remind me New England occasionally. The dominance of mountain cedar tells this is Austin.

Austin has a few man-made dams, for creating beautiful lakes, like lake travis, town lake. Mountain bonnell is a site-seeing park to overview the town lake. Dad promises to take me to kayaking next summer. Then I will show some pictures in the townlake water.


A little summary

After my 1st birthday party, my walk developed very well. Now I am walking around indoor and outdoor all on my own.
Got flu shot, and didn't cry. Em, maybe a little cry. 28 pounds now. No height was measured but certainly I can tell I am not as chubby as before.
I started to have more interaction with mom and dad. My favorite way to show my disagree is to spit out, which dad and mom is trying to fix me with no success.
I started to feed back mom or dad (whoever comes convinient) food I dislike. As for my favorite food (duck, beef, grape, and bread from countyline), don't even think about it.

A trip to Houston

I made a trip to Houston for Alice&Eric's wedding. Aaron was choosen as ringbell. What an honor! I got a chance to visit Houston Zoo. Finally I met Tiger and Monkey. Real ones! Giant fish, Parrot, Girraffe... My jaw almost fell to ground. What a great eye-opener! As for mom, she was impressed by cooked duck wings in Chinatown. Looks like she was more eager to go back to Houston than me.
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Stuff too cool for a baby

It is nice to pass one year mark. I was upgraded as a toddler rather than a baby. So, I can have face painting now. That is how people treat you when you are growing up.

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Superman likes candy.

I played treat or trick with Aaron and we did a pretty good job.

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I had my 1st birthday party.

This was a big show. I had my special birthday boy ride in MY GYM. But certainly it was not enough for me so you had to excuse me that I cried and rolling all over on the ground when my ride stopped. And certainly people all forgot this when we started cutting cake. But camera remembered everthing single detail.
In Chinese tradition, I picked my future career at my 1st birthday: Scholar! Posted by Picasa


Can't believe my blog has been quiet for so long

Since my birthday, no new post has showed up in my blog. Nobody was lazy. Dad was just too busy so everybody's schedule is kind of crazy. Now his work got a milestone so we all can take a break. Even though it is just a short break. I have a lot of things to show. It will come very soon.


One year check-up

Duke's Coach K'd better to come to recruit me before it is too late. I got tons of potential.


One year birthday!

A year ago, I was born in Providence. Today, mom and dad celebrated my first year birthday in Austin. We went to Cheesecake factory. People there were very nice. Thay sang birthday song together for me. And I will also have a birthday party next weekend with my little friends in MY GYM. By the way, I can walk on my own a little now. So far, my record was six steps.


One of my favorite spot at home

No surprise. I can do a lot of things I like here. Certainly they are all related to eating. Now I can eat table food with mom and dad. I had a lot of cheese nuggetswith my own little fingers. Fish is my favorite. Steam fish with a little soy sauce, how can you not like it? Oh, actually I probably like toast duck more. Mom tricked me out to put toast duck next to cheese. When all roast duck was gone, cheese was still untouched.

Mom still follows books to feed me baby food most. Now earning a little table food to me is like earning a little play time to school kids. You have to finish your homework first, then comes play time. My homework certainly is canned baby food. So far, I am doing well.

Here is what usually happened. I finished my baby food first and got my freedom to go. Then came mom and dad's dinner. I crawled back to dinning table, held the table and talked to them loudly(maybe yelling a little bit). They put me back to high chair, and I enjoyed my second dinner. A dinner I really enjoyed. It sounds a little too complex to a baby. I am telling you, it is definitely worth the effort. Mom and dad's food is just so good. They should start a business competing with Gerber.

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Baby's paradise.

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Mom had a lesson

Mom thinks I am a fairly predictable baby. Eat on time, sleep on time, and she knows me all. Today, she had her surprise. She put me into my crib without putting diaper on me first. It's OK. Ray never peed in bed. Then she ended up with changing all my wet sheet. Mom's a little embarrassed as dad cautioned her before, but dad was called being over-cautious. Guess what, the only person who's not embarrassed is me.

Swim with Helina


My first buddy in music class

Today I am introducing my first buddy in my music class, Ethan. Ethan is as much a cute boy as I am. We went to the same music class and became buddies. The picture was taken in Austin Children's Museum. Ethan's mom brought us there. Do we look like buddies?


still on the curve

One of doctors in my clinic moved away. That could explain why my nine month check-up was scheduled when I was ten month old. Well, my growing momentum has lasted up to ten months now. I am still on my growing curve with few peers.
Weight:26 pound 6 oz. Height: 31 inch. In a sense, I am normal. Let me tell you why. I met a 7 month old baby girl in baby'srus . She was 31 inch, 27 pounds. A GIRL! No kidding!


My cousin, Arron had a great birthday party in Texas Jumping bean. Then he is going to Kindergarden next Monday. He is pretty excited about it. Arron, be a good one and make sure get a good grade.

Farewell to Kevin & Patrick

Kevin and Patrick are leaving Austin for Florida with their mom and dad. I lost two buddies here in Austin. But I got two in Florida. I am gonna visit them some day. And I am also gonna have fun in Disney land in Orlando.


Figured out

Ray is nine and half month old. Now He can figure things out. After viewing mom and dad turning TV on and off many times, he found out the cause and effect of remote control and TV. He always wants to take remote control but never got a chance. There had been for a while that remote control was the only bait, which could drive him to show a little bit effort to crawl.
Today, he got it all the way through the pillow blockage set by mom and dad. Maybe red power button is too obvious. Or maybe he is too eager for baby shows. He turned TV on.


Things are all on right track except ...

My play field was expanded since I started crawling.
My food menu was expanded and I sill laugh all the time and seem the happiest baby in the world. I am also gaining a lot of strength in my arm, not weight. Now I can protect my toys from guys like Aidan, maybe Nuri. Sometimes, I even got some toys out of their hands if I was lucky.

Things are all on right track except one thing. I still woke up at least once every night. A few days ago, mom and dad started taking doctor's advice to stop feeding me at night except water. In a old Chinese saying, a horse can not be strong without night grass. How can you stop my meal and expect I am happy and strong?

Now we are fighting on this.

One thing almost forget. Thanks Eric. Now I am all all right. I get it over sooner than Dad. New guys are always better and stronger.


Too much progress for one day!

Mom and Dad have been a little concerned that I still couldn't crawl even though I was nine month old. Many friends excused me for being a big boy. Today I made my break.

First, mom found out I stood up myself in my cribe. It was a shock to her. As usual, I had to do it again as Dad need a proof. Certainly anyone could see I gave them a big WOW.

Then, after an hour swimming in the evening, followed by a short bath, I was supposed to get ready for bed. I gave them anothr big WOW when they found out I was crawling FORWARD. I didn't think that was such a big deal, so it's hard for me to give them a surprised look.

Now they finally had a peace on their minds. How come it's such a big deal for them. Let me tell you why. Mom and dad heard from someone, who claimed she heard from her doctor that a baby who starts walking without crawling first would end up with disliking reading.

Obviously, they believed it!!!


I was sick today.

Yesterday it was the weekly library story time. I had fun as usual. In the evening, I went swimming. The pool water was so warm and nice. No surprise in Texas. If I was not bitten by a mosquito in the end, I would call it a perfect day.

After I took a bath, my throat started to feel weird. Therefore, I didn't give mom and dad a good night sleep. I woke up twice and my raspy voice caused their attention. Next morning, we were in doctor's office. She said I had croup, caused by virus. Then I got my prescription. And I also skipped my music class to avoid getting my classmates exposed. Guess what? Four out of six bodies were missed today for being sick. If democracy worked here, the missed would be the two little healthy ones.

My medicine really tasted bad, so I threw up every single bit of it. Technically, I am still a boy who never took medicine, which mom and dad were proud of. My 100.3 degree body temperature was right at the edge of being judged as a fever, so I escaped from having Tylenol as well.

All right, it is bed time again. Hope tomorrow I will be better. At least not sound like a barking seal.


My swing knows time flies!

Today I am eight month old.
The left is present me, and the right one is one month old me, whom I call mini-me.
Mom and dad used to think my legs were chubby. Now mini-me's legs looks like two chop sticks, compared to my legs. Posted by Picasa


Play with my buddies

WE got buddies,
WE share toys,
WE swim in floaties,
And we scratch faces.

Another golden memory ( 5 month old )

I love water!

I can claim I am the best 7 and half month old swimmer in town.
Right now I have three swimming styles: Frog with dad's support, free style in floatie, and chasing ball doggie style in floatie.
Spetacular performance!


Home raiders! And there are TWO!!!

What you gonna do?
What you gonna do?
Big boys, big boys, come to you.

Don't worry. They are Kevin and Patrick. My twin friends and older brothers.
If someone is not nice to me, he'd better be careful. I got buddies!


Little cowboy

This is prairie in Texas (Zilker park). Everyting in Texas is bigger, isn't it?
I was born as a little Rhodie. But soon became a little Texas Longhorn. I'd like to be both. Dad will bring me to visit Ocean state when I am a little bit older. They have a lot of good memory there. As for me, I will see what I can remember. We have a lot of friends there.
You all are welcome to Austin. It is a fun city.
Prairie is clean and beautiful. Something I just learn, don't mess with Texas.

Another milestone: I can sit up myself now.


6 month checking

Weight: 24'10"
Height: 29 inch
Doctor said Ray is slimmer than lasts visit.
Last visit, Ray was like a little buda.

Something about Ray,
Still wake up once or twice in middle of night for milk
A little swimmer crazy about water. When in water, he is really serious at swimming. Dad took credit of starting swimming training in bath tube when Ray was just 11 weeks old.



Dad has been busy with his job. So my blog has been quiet for a while.
My data were all off the chart. My weight was so decent that doctor said
she wanted to eat me up. I'be better change a doctor for my next visit.
My third immunization shot really hurt me. Oh, I have started solid food.
Haha, yummy, yummy!

Hi, I am fine in Austin.